Parish Meeting


A planning application has been made for the wood chipping processing on the Godwin’s site.


Ref: 2017/1838/VRC  Application to vary condition 3 of planning permission 085439/001 (erection of replacement factory building) to enable the building to be used for the storage, processing and manufacturing of horticultural products and wood products for animal bedding and biomass at E J Godwin Peat Industries Limited, Burtle Road, Westhay, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9TT

Full details of the application can be found at:

There will be a Parish Meeting in the Village Hall on

Wednesday 2nd August 2017

at 7.30pm

to discuss the application

All electors of Burtle parish are entitled to attend and take part in the discussion. Please come along and let your Parish Councillors know your views.

There will be a meeting of Burtle Parish Council immediately after this meeting at 8.30pm.