British Heart Foundation Cycle Ride Sunday 13th September 2015
Burtle Village Hall will be a ‘pit stop’ for cyclists on the British Heart Foundation Cycle ride again this year.
The Village Hall Committee has provided a refreshment and comfort stop for the cyclists for several years now and has gained a reputation for our friendly welcome, the good facilities at the hall and delicious homemade cakes. The cyclists remember us (and our cakes!) and also recommend us to their friends as the best place to stop and we need your help to stock up with delicious ‘Burtle baking’.
Donations of cakes and /or offers of help on the morning will be very much appreciated. Please bring cakes to the Hall at Café Burtle on 12th September or Sunday morning between 9.30and 10.30am. Alternatively ring Maureen on 722395 to arrange collection.
All proceeds of the morning will be shared between the British Heart Foundation and Burtle Village Hall