Burtle Facebook Page
The VH Committee have set up a facebook group for the Burtle Village Community to share ideas and promote local events. Please take a few minutes to find it and join. Feel free to share with your friends and neighbours, anyone in the village or surrounding areas who might be interested.
There are currently 31 members (and even more followers) and various groups have posted information about local events such as the Children’s Christmas Party, Bad Player events, a new exercise class starting up. There are also lots of pictures from the 10th Anniversary event of Café Burtle, showing the pretty gifts that Maureen and Jenny were presented with. We welcome contributions of photos, events and comments – the more the merrier.
If you are not on facebook, and need help to set it up, please just ask. Don’t worry if you are not a fan of facebook, this is designed to be an additional source of information, and will not replace the monthly posted newsletter.
This is primarily for the local community, and the main objective is to promote our Village Hall as the hub of that community. But it could be used for anything village related. You may want to promote your local business, or just ask for help collecting a prescription.