Burtle Speed Indicator Device (SID) Results for June & July
Please find attached at the bottom of this post the latest speed indicator device, (SID), reports for Burtle Parish Council, (Mark Road), taken between the 28th June 2017 and the 10th July 2017.
The median speed for June was calculated at 41mph which is 11mph above the posted speed limit of 30mph. The 85%ile speed was calculated as 51mph which is 15mph above the intervention limit speed of 36mph. For July the median speed was calculated at 40mph which is 10mph above the posted speed limit and the 85%ile speed was calculated at 50mph which is 14mph above the intervention level speed.
The speed readings taken by the SID for Burtle remain consistently high and well above both the posted speed limit and the intervention level speed. This location regularly returns some of the highest speeds of all our SID locations.
Please note that the speeds shown in the report are the approach speeds of vehicles as recorded by the device and do not reflect the ‘adjusted’ speeds which the motorists may switch to on being ‘reminded’ of the posted speed limit by the device. This means the speeds shown are probably an accurate reflection of the speeds normally experienced at this location. Where we have been able to measure ‘adjusted’ speeds at other locations we have found there has been an average reduction in speed between the approach speed and adjusted speed of approximately 4-5mph.
The intervention limit is the speed, (under the current policy), at which a location is deemed to have a speeding issue. It is calculated by taking the posted speed limit, adding 10% and then adding a further 3mph, (this equates to 25mph in a 20mph posted speed limit; 36mph in a 30mph posted speed limit and 47mph in a 40mph posted speed limit). Locations that equal or exceed the intervention level speed qualify for a SID installation on a regular basis, (please note that if this location is already included in the SID programme it will continue to receive a temporary SID on a regular basis irrespective of the above results).
The 85%ile speed is the speed at which 85% of all vehicles are travelling either at or below, (with obviously the remaining 15% of all vehicles travelling at a higher speed).
Burtle (Mark Road) July 2017 (Graph)
Burtle (Mark Road) June 2017 (Text)