New Village Hall Committee

Burtle Village Hall – AGM


On Wednesday May 18th the Burtle Village Hall held its annual AGM.  As expected there were a number of members standing down on this occasion creating an opportunity for new members, many of whom were new to the village, to step forward and take on this weighty responsibility.  Minutes and reports were read out and approved an new members proposed, seconded and voted on.  The new committee then exchanged seats with the outgoing committee and got down to business.  With no obvious Chairman being proposed Tony Spiller offered to be co-opted on and take the role, at least in the short term.  The other officers were then duly proposed, seconded and elected.


Chairman – Tony Spiller

Vice-Chairman – Steve Allen

Secretary/Bar Manager – Jonathan Mansfield-Ross

Treasurer – Ginny Rideout

Booking Secretary – Tracy Fear

Committee Member – Rachel Nutman


The following nominated representatives from local communities were also welcomed on the committee

Burtle Babies Rep – Anne Lush

Parish Council Rep – Richard Dallimore

Church Rep – Jane Allen

BAD Players Rep – Alan Parr


The new committee then agreed to meet monthly on the First Monday each month in the Village Hall at 8.00pm.  Villagers are always welcome to attend and observe.  A vote of thanks was then taken for the hard work and effort of all the outgoing committee members with a special mention for Chris Lush who has been Treasurer for over 10 years, Richard Masters as Bar Manager and Hall Manager for over 5 years and special thanks to Maureen Perdue who as Chairman, vice-chairman, booking-secretary, bar staff and organiser of Café Burtle and other regular events over many years has made an immeasurable contribution to the hall and the village.  We all wish her a very well deserved rest from the committee.

Some urgent matters related to forthcoming events were then addressed and the meeting adjourned


Steve Allen

Vice-chairman, Burtle Village Hall Committee